Military Exercise at Aegean District, 1998

Turkish Air Force aerobatic demonstration team which called Turkish Stars are flying on the sky for 9 September Izmir's Independence Day, 2002

Turkish Naval Commandos (SAT/SAS) during their military exercise at Aksaz Naval Base, 2005

Turkey is set to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Republic of Turkey, at Anıtkabir, Atatürk's mausoleum in the capital Ankara, 2007

84th Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day, Ankara, 2007

Turkish Army in cross-border operations against PKK terrorist organisation at Northern Iraq, 2008

Lieutenant Kubilay's was commemorated at Menemen in the 72nd year of the martyrdom, Kubilay is considered as a Turkish national hero, martyr of Turkish revolution, and a symbol of Turkey's revolutionary history, 2000

Sealion Military Exercise at Aegean coast, 2008

Thousands flocked to the mausoleum of the Turkish Republic's founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Ankara to commemorate the leader who passed away in 1938, on Nov. 10, 2008

Ankara Police Academy graduation ceremony, 2006

Denizkurdu Military Exercise, Seferihisar, Izmir, 1999

Commemoration Ceremony of Çanakkale Martyrs, Gallipoli, 2005

Turkish Army operations as part of United Nations Peacekeeping Force at Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, 2006

Military Exercise, Izmir 2001

Military Exercise, İzmir 2001

An F16 in 9th Main Jet Base Command in Balikesir, 2000

Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day at Republic Square, Izmir, 2001

Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day at Kordon, Izmir, 1998
1. Military Exercise at Aegean District, 1998 2. Turkish Air Force aerobatic demonstration team which called Turkish Stars are flying on the sky for 9 September Izmir's Independence Day, 2002 3. Turkish Naval Commandos (SAT/SAS) during their military exercise at Aksaz Naval Base, 2005 4. Turkey is set to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Republic of Turkey, at Anıtkabir, Atatürk's mausoleum in the capital Ankara, 2007 5.84th Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day, Ankara, 2007 6. Turkish Army in cross-border operations against PKK terrorist organisation at Northern Iraq, 2008 7. Lieutenant Kubilay's was commemorated at Menemen in the 72nd year of the martyrdom, Kubilay is considered as a Turkish national hero, martyr of Turkish revolution, and a symbol of Turkey's revolutionary history, 2000 8. Sealion Military Exercise at Aegean coast, 2008 9. Thousands flocked to the mausoleum of the Turkish Republic's founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Ankara to commemorate the leader who passed away in 1938, on Nov. 10, 2008 10. Ankara Police Academy graduation ceremony, 2006 11. Denizkurdu Military Exercise, Seferihisar, Izmir, 1999 12. Commemoration Ceremony of Çanakkale Martyrs, Gallipoli, 2005 13. Turkish Army operations as part of United Nations Peacekeeping Force at Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, 2006 14. Military Exercise, Izmir 2001 15. Military Exercise, İzmir 2001 16. An F16 in 9th Main Jet Base Command in Balikesir, 2000 17. Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day at Republic Square, Izmir, 2001 17. Anniversary of Turkish Republic Day at Kordon, Izmir, 1998
1. Ege'de tatbikat, 1998 2. Türk Yıldızlarının İzmir'de 9 Eylül'de 2002'de yaptığı gösteride ''bıçak sırtı'' hareketi 3. SAT komandaları Aksaz Deniz Üssü'nde eğitimleri sırasında, 2005 4. Anıtkabir'de 10 Kasım törenleri, 2007 5. Cumhuriyet'in kuruluşunun 84. Yıldönümü törenleri, Ankara, 2007 6. Kuzey Irak'a yapılan sınır ötesi harekatta Türk askerleri, 2008 7. Asteğmen Kubilay, şehit edilişinin 72. yılında Menemen'de anıldı, saygı atışı 2000 8. Ege Denizi'nde uluslararası sularda düzenlenen Denizaslanı Tatbikatı, 2008 9. Anıtkabir'de 10 Kasım törenleri, 2008 10. Ankara Polis Akademisi mezuniyet töreni, 2006 11. Denizkurdu Tatbikatı, Seferihisar, İzmir, 1999 12. Çanakkale Şehitleri'ni Anma Töreni, Gelibolu, 2005 13. Afganistan'ın başkenti Kabil'de Türk Birlikleri görev başında, 2006 14. Askeri Tatbikat, İzmir 2001 15. Askeri Tatbikat, İzmir 2001 16. Balıkesir'deki 9. Ana Jet Üs Komutanlığı'nda hangarın çıkan bir F 16, 2000 17. Cumhuriyet Bayramı törenleri, Cumhuriyet Meydanı, İzmir, 2001 17. Cumhuriyet Bayramı törenleri, Kordon, İzmir, 1998